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作者:  来源:  发布时间:2018年09月25日 11:19  浏览次数:

周春雪,男,中共党员,河北保定人。山东大学副教授,硕士研究生导师。《Parasites & Vectors》《Parasitology Research》等SCI学术期刊审稿人。




 E-mail: zhouchunxue@sdu.edu.cn






1.山东大学基本科研业务费(2017GN0015),10万,2017.09-2019.09, 主持

2.山东省自然科学基金博士基金项目(ZR2018BH030, 宿主感染弓形虫过程中脑及血清小分子多肽及代谢物的变化及诊断标记物的筛选,9万,2018.03-2020.12, 主持

3.中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(2018M642665,弓形虫与宿主细胞在裂解周期过程中的代谢互作研究,5万,2018.12-2020.06, 主持

4.农业农村部授粉昆虫生物学重点实验室开放基金课题(2018MFNZS04),大蜂螨发育过程中的代谢调控机制研究,7.5万,2018.08-2019.08, 主持

5.福建省家畜传染病防治与生物技术重点实验室开放基金课题(2018KF04),宿主感染弓形虫后多肽组及代谢组学研究,5万,2018.12-2019.02, 主持

6.家畜疫病病原生物学国家重点实验室开放基金课题(SKLVEB2018KFKT009),弓形虫速殖子在细胞周期过程中的代谢变化及其调控机制的研究,10万,2019.01-2020.06, 主持

7.国家自然科学基金青年项目(82002161),24万,2021.01-2023.12, 主持


Chunxue Zhou, Min Gao, Bing Han, Hua Cong, Xingquan Zhu, Huaiyu Zhou*. Quantitative peptidomics of mouse brain after infection with cyst-forming Toxoplasma gondii. Frontiers in Immunology,2021,12, 681242.

Linlin Cui#, Chunxue Zhou#*, Bing Han,Shasha Wang, Siying Li, Shichen Xie, Donghui Zhou*. Urine proteomics for profiling of mouse toxoplasmosis using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analysis. Parasites&Vectors. 2021 Apr 20;14(1):211.

Yuchao Zhu, Yanan Xu, Lu Hong, Chunxue Zhou*, Jia Chen*. Immunization with a DNA vaccine encoding the Toxoplasma gondii' s GRA39 prolongs survival and reduce brain cyst formation in a murine model. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2021 Apr 28;12:630682.

Jiangli Wu , Hany M Elsheikha, Yangyang Tu, Awraris Getachew, Huaiyu Zhou, Chunxue Zhou*, Shufa Xu*. Significant transcriptional changes in mature daughter Varroa destructor mites during infestation of different developmental stages of honeybees. Pest Management Science. 2020 Mar 18.

Chunxue Zhou*, Kang Ai, Cuiqin Huang, Jingjing Guo, Xiahui Sun, Hua Cong, Shenyi He* and Xingquan Zhu*. miRNA and circRNA expression patterns in mouse brain during toxoplasmosis development. BMC Genomics. 2020, 21(1):46.

Chunxue Zhou, Yun Gan, Hany M. Elsheikha, Xiaoqing Chen, Hua Cong, Qing Liu, Xingquan Zhu*. Sulfadiazine sodium ameliorates the metabolomicperturbation in mice infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2019, 63(10):e00312-19.

Xiaoqing Chen, Hany M. Elsheikha, Ruisi Hu, Guixue Hu, Shuling Guo, Chunxue Zhou*, Xingquan Zhu*,  Hepatic metabolomics investigation in acute and chronic murine toxoplasmosis. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2018, 8.

Chunxue Zhou, Wei Cong, Xiaoqing Chen, Shenyi He, Hany M. Elsheikha, Xingquan Zhu, Serum metabolic profiling of oocyst-induced Toxoplasma gondii acute and chronic infections in mice using Mass-Spectrometry. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017,8: 2612.

Chunxue Zhou, Donghui Zhou, Hany M. Elsheikha, Yu Zhao, Xun Suo, Xingquan Zhu, Metabolomic profiling of mice serum during toxoplasmosis progression using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6 : 19557.

Chunxue Zhou, Xingquan Zhu, Hany M. Elsheikha, Shuai He, Qian Li, Donghui Zhou, Xun Suo, Global iTRAQ-based proteomic profiling of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts during sporulation. Journal of Proteomics, 2016, 148: 12-19.



版权所有:山东大学基础医学院病原生物学系  地址:山东省济南市文化西路44号山东大学基础医学院病原生物学系  邮编:250012  电话:0531-88382579  E-mail:wswbd@sdu.edu.cn